Sunday, January 27, 2008

Getting a lot of hits!

Lili's Autism Story on has 365 hits! I really hope people keep forwarding it on - to get the message out that ABA (or any kind of autism treatment therapy) works! Also that if the good people of South Carolina can get a mandate passed then so can other states! Really, though, we could use a federal mandate similar to South Carolina's (one with less loopholes, though). Lili's dad works for an international company and I'm always fearful that they'll ask us to move.

The South Carolina mandate is not perfect. It excludes small business owners for instance. They (and the uninsured, & others not covered by the mandate) could use the medicaid waiver, however, and get 3 years of autism treatment therapy (up to $50,000 per year). The SC governor is trying to cut out that newly minted medicaid program because he says we have a mandate now! He just doesn't get it!! His heart is "three sized too small".

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