Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lili's surgery

Lili had her g-tube & trach resurfacing procedures yesterday, Feb. 19th. Lili's surgeon was very pleased with her outcome. The "back end" of the deteriorated g-tube was retrieved via scope down her throat into her stomach, her stoma (hole where the tube was) was stitched shut via several layers, and her old trach scar was successfully resurfaced for a smoother look. She is pretty wiped out, as you can imagine. She's been very quiet and ultra-protective of her painful procedure sites. We hope tomorrow is a better day! She should be surgery-free for the next 3 years then she'll undergo a mega-surgery to correct her sunken chest wall (pectus excavatum). That will entail a week long hospital stay in PICU for pain management. It is an incredible procedure, albeit a necessary one for her. Hopefully she won't remember this when that time comes around! I've created a small movie of her experience (see under Favorite Links). The last movie I made (my first one) took 2 weeks, this one took just over an hour. It's helpful for me to make it...kinda like therapy! It expresses what all we felt and saw today.

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