Sunday, January 6, 2008


I visit an internet board for people who love "Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder". I post on it often. Sometimes I go a few weeks without saying anything. It was a very helpful board in the early days of learning Lili has ASD. I find now with Lili being "older" (we're approaching 3 years of being officially diagnosed) that I'm one of the "senior members" so I know more answers than I do questions. I do not see many members with ASD kiddos much older than Lili (most of them are 2,3,4 years old) so I think in time I'll fade away from that site. But anyone who has any questions, concerns, ideas regarding ASD would greatly benefit from this board (lurking OR posting). It is a very spirited bunch of ladies (a few dads) with a wealth of info you cannot find most places. If they don't know the answer they'll be sure to find it for you. I put it in my Favorite Links sidebar.

There are no words to describe what it is like to have an ASD child. It makes you love 'em more, it makes you want to be a better parent, it makes you work harder than you ever have in your also makes you want to sacrifice yourself for them (be willing to make a deal, even with the devil), makes you wonder what you did wrong, and ask "why, why, why?" over and over. It is unfair that I cannot take Lili's burden away when I would do anything to be able to.

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